I know it's mundane, but I've been searching for a new pen holder on eBay to replace this monstrosity.

Sure, it looks all shiny and metallic, and it even floats "magically" inside the small chrome donut (the secret is magnetics), but the fact is the pen is too fat and therefore impossible to write with.

Checking eBay for an alternative, I've come across a few strong contenders. All of them are priced under $10. I can't justify spending more than that on a freaking pen holder.

Ashtrays and pen holders both belong on desks. Finally someone had the brilliant mind to put the two together. The only problem is I don't always want a dirty ashtray in front of my face, but my pen must be within arms reach at all times. Well-executed, but a bad idea.

Any doctor who tries to to impress patients with a pen holder that says "First Class Doctor" is either a quack or a pervert. For someone like me, it's good for a cheap laugh. Unfortunately, the cheap laugh wouldn't last long, and then I'd be stuck with a pen holder that says "First Class Doctor". Next.

This pen holder screams the eagle's cry of freedom for every God fearing American to hear. It also has a blank plaque upon which I could engrave a memorable Rambo quote. Breathtaking, but too damn big.

Finally, the top contender. I'm a big fan of vintage radio station merchandise, and in this case, it's hard to say no to a pen holder made for Classic Country KSJB AM 600, in "Buffalo City" Jamestown, ND. Click here to listen live. The city of Jamestown, population 15,527 (2000 est.), should know its country music. It has a tractor tour in June and a rodeo in July. If I don't find anything better in the next couple days, this pen holder will be sitting on my desk.
Update (March 13th): After losing an auction for a WHNN t-shirt, I decided to go ahead and pick up this pen holder. In fact, I'm kind of glad I lost that WHNN t-shirt, even though they have a cool jingle package. I wouldn't want this piece of KSJB history to slip away into the sands of time. Whee!